Monday, August 18, 2008

My Rabbit

This week had one holiday, I felt happy very much because I had not to study. This day was Mother’s day. Mother’s day was an important day, every child had to appreciate on his/her mother. They had to give something to tell her that you love her

I think every mother felt happy and very impressive. For me, on Monday after I finished from study. I went to The Mall Bangkrapi and bought “Card “for her. When she slept at night, I wrote my feeling on the card and told her every thing about my feeling. When I finished from wrote I took a card in the bedroom and inserted a card under the pillow when my mother slept. In the morning I heard that she woke up. She took a shower and get dressed. I heard she opened the card and quiet for a while, then I slept-in. When I woke up, I saw a card. It was on the bed, I thought that why my mother put it on bed, why she not keep it???? I took a shower and went down. I told my mother that why she not keep my card. I was very angry. She told me that I put it under the pillow. She didn’t know whom I give it? I cried suddenly. I thought that my mother didn’t saw the value of my card. She walked and soothed me. She said that she loved me very much and only one but I had to be a good daughter too much and didn’t argue her too much. Then she blessing me to have a good thing in my life, succeed in everything.

Yesterday I let her to close the Minimart and had a dinner but my friend called me and told that every department store had many people let their mum to have dinner. My mother decided to cook herself. After that we watched TV together and went to bed.

In the morning, I had a class but this class was not necessary to learn because the teacher didn’t check attendant, so I had not go. Before I went outside everyday, I have my pet that I have to feed. It was a Rabbit. It was a male. His name was “Panda”. I bought it about 1 month. It’s very cute. It was a “Dutch Rabbit “. His fur was black and white. Panda was very naughty and liked to gnaw a wires and papers. He ran very fast and liked to eat everything. When he walked, I was funny very much. He was fat and his skin soft. He was hungry everytime. Before I went to go outside, I had to give a food with him. I had to feed him very well than my older rabbit. My older rabbit name was “Happy”. It was very cute same Panda. Happy was my first rabbit that I ever feed. I give a food for her. The food was morning glory. I didn’t know that rabbits couldn’t eat morning glory. One day, after I came back from university. I saw her that Happy had diarrhea. Her poop was liquid. I told my mother that tomorrow when I came back from study, I will let her go to see veterinarian. I came back and call her but it was quiet. When I switch on the light, I was very frightened. My rabbit died, I was sadness. It’s my fault. I might let her go to see veterinarian quickly. I decided, I will buy the rabbit to feed again but that day I bought Panda. I felt good and wanted so much. My boyfriend bought a rabbit for me.
I wanted to shower Panda very much. His fur was not clean but it was too young, I had to wait when he was 3 months. Someday if I woke up late very much my mother will give a food with it. My mother complained me everyday. She said that why I bought the rabbit? It was her duty to feed it. 55+

I thought that when it grew up than now. I will buy a new cage with him and buy a house for him, when I lazy to let him walk outside the cage but it was very expensive too much. I liked to run and catch him. Panda ran quickly and know that when I want to catch him. It was very cute rabbit, I love my pet very much

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