Sunday, August 10, 2008

My new hair

Last week, I had a mid-term Exam. I had only 3 subject to test. Everyone told me I was very comfort because they had many subjects to test. I had not to go to study 4 days until everyone finished from test. My university opened on Thursday, I had a class but I was very lazy, so I didn’t go. Everyday I went to bed very late. I played games and computer until 4.00 AM. It’s nearly morning. On Monday I had a class on 9.30 AM. I went to bed late and my friend called me in the morning that she didn’t go to learn in the morning but she will learn English subject in the evening.
I got up, took a shower, get dressed and have a lunch and breakfast because It almost afternoon. I got out and arrived to University. Parking a car and walked very quickly. 5 minutes to learn.

I finished English subject. Then I went to The Mall Bang ka pi. I appointed my boyfriend there. I felt hungry so much, so I had a lunch again. After that He wanted to play game. I waited him for a while until he finished. Then we went home.

When I drove a car, I looked someone who stood in the path form. She had short hair; I like her hair so much. I thought that I might cut my hair to change my looking because the trend of hair is short hair. I had a long hair about 3 years ago. I was bored. I asked my mom and all friends that I wanted to cut my hair. They said that it’s my hair, they cannot decide for me. I thought about 2 days. I regretted of my hair and if I cut my hair, I afraid that it will not beautiful but I thought with myself. If I thing too much, I will not cut my hair.

I decide to cut my hair. I felt very excited. A long hair was cut. I went to barbershop near my university. Before hairdresser cut my hair, she asked me “Are you ready?” I felt very excited truly. I said “OK!” She cut my hair slowly. About 3 minutes, my hair was clear away. I had got short hair already!! She coiffure for a while she blew-dry my hair. Finished!!!!

It looked very child 55+ I praised myself. My new look, I like my short hair. First, I let my friend to encourage me. I sent her at home and came home very quickly. I showed my new hair to my mother. She said she prefer long hair than short hair. She watched TV with me and told me to see actress who had a beautiful long hair. I was not interesting, I thought, I already cut my hair and don’t think too much. About 1 year my hair will long. If my hair was not long, I will add my hair because now it had many shop has a hair to add. The shop is for a person who has a short hair and wanted to have a long hair. They can do for you.

Many people told me it’s good for short hair changing look. I was very happy very much.Short hair was very easy to look after than long hair. When I washed my hair, I blew-dry very fast and very comfortable when I quickly.

It's nearly mother's day. I will not buy anything to my mother. I decided to buy a card and write my feeling in the card.I hope my mother will like my card. She told me everytime. She didn't want anything from me. I diligent and was to be a good daughter. That's enough for her.

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