Sunday, June 29, 2008

On Friday I didn't have a class, so I helped my mother to sale things at my shop. In the evening, I see 1 Miss call on my mobile phone. It was my friend' number, so I call her back. I got sad news. She told me that we had to go to Funeral on Saturday. Someone in the class, his mother died. I was very shocked very much because I just talk with him about two weeks ago. His name is Da. He lived with his mother and sister. His father and mother divorced. His mother died from fell in the bathroom and nobody lived home. My friend just came home, so he saw his mother. He sent his mother in the hospital but the doctor couldn't save her. I listen that I felt pity very much. His mother was the main person in his house. If he didn’t have her, he felt sad and lonely very much and he had to take care her sister. I thought that I will give my money to help him because he had to use money to learn and use in his family. I appoint my friend at 6 o'clock PM. in the evening.

Saturday, I had a class in the morning. I set an alarm clock on 8.30 AM. In the morning. When the time 8.30 AM. the clock didn't alarm. I got up on 11.00 AM. It was very late, so I didn't go to learn. I appointed my boyfriend to see a movie but I came to The Mall late, so he didn't want to see. We had lunch and walk to see everything. Until 05.00 PM. I came out from The Mall and arrived to Temple about 6 o'clock PM . The traffic was very jam.

The Funeral was finished around 8.00 PM. We were also hungry. Then we decided to have a dinner at Spring&Summer restaurant at Thong Lo. The atmosphere was very well. There were many expensive cars to have a dinner at this place. I came in to the restaurant. The waiter took me a Menu to see what you want to eat. OH! My GOD !!!!!!!! , I saw a cost of the food. It was a Thai food and everything was 200 up. Wowwww !!!! I never think that It was so expensive than I see. I looked around the restaurant, It had many people had a lot of money to eat. The service was very good. The waiter took care very well but The food that I ordered, he cooked slowly. Smelling in Restroom was very bad. We already finished and checked bill. The total cost was "906 baht. I saw a bill, I was very shocked because we ordered the food 3 main foods and water. It will not expensive just like this. We quickly to get out from this restaurant and will not go there forever. It was very bad food that I ever ate before. It was very expensive and not delicious. I sent my boyfriend at his home and my friend. Since I arrived home about 11.00 PM.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Sad story about Da's mum. My condolences Kanokeporn.

A few remarks on your blog:
If the links are still in Thai after today marks will be deducted. I mentioned this many times before!!
See our contest at:

To get in the top ten I recommend:
Getting a more original theme, add images, etcetera.

Good luck!!