Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Criminal Law 2 starts at 09.00 am. , I get up late again. I'm quickly to do everything and arrive to ABAC on 09.20 am. I call to my friend; she tells me that the teacher still not comes. I am very glad. I come to the class for a minutes, the teacher comes to class too. I learn and talk to my friend about something. Before the class finishes, I call to Som. Today we have a plan to go to Plattinum. It's near PATUNAM. She say that She already arrives to ABAC, so I appoint her at the restaurant because I don't have a breakfast and lunch.

When the class finishes, Bo and I go down from the class and go to the restaurant that I appoint Som. I ask Bo about the way that I can go to PATUNAM. She tells me but I can't imagine, so she tells me to drive a car and follow her but I call to my boyfriend. He wants me to bring him at the university. Som and I arrive to his university and wait him about 1 hour. It's very boring; I think I will go to Central Lamprey with Som before I go to his university. He finishes class on 01.30 pm. and has a lunch for minutes. Then we leave from there.

I drive a car to Radchada Road. My boyfriend calls to Bo and ask the way that go to Plattinum. Bo tells the way but my boyfriend makes like to know the way. Then he tells the wrong way, I am very angry, also the oil almost empty. We get lose the way for a long time. We arrive to plattinum about 02.30 pm. The traffic is very jam, so I give the car to my boyfriend and find the car park for himself. He will calls to me when he have a car park. It's very late. Som and I walk very quickly. My boyfriend calls to me and I appoint him at escalator. Then we met him. We choose the clothes for a while, so we get each one piece. We walk a few minutes; my boyfriend complains that he has an ache and hungry, so we let him to have a food. We eat together and go ahead. Until 06.30 pm. my boyfriend let our to go to The Mall Bang Kari, so I drive a car to the Mall and find the car park.

I circle 2 times and meet it. We walk at TaWanNa until I get 1 bag that I see it for a long time but I don't have money. Now I already have money. It costs 550 Baht. I get it, I'm very glad very much. Som get a wallet. It copy from Louis Vitton. It costs 380 from 550 baht. First we will eat Swensen but I see the watch it’s 08.00 pm. It's too late, so we will comes back home. I send my boyfriend at his home and send Som to her home. I come home about 09.00 pm. My mother angry me, I don't talk to her. Today the Television has Academy fantasia. I cheers my friend, today I'm afraid that my friend will out of the game this week, so I vote for him too many times but it has a surprising no one don't out of the game this week. I'm very glad. The day of shopping, I get 2 shirts and 1 bag. It's a long times that I shopping many things. I feel happy very much.

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