Saturday, September 1, 2007

Today I'm very happy because I have new shoes. I want a new shoes very long times ago because the old shoes break. Before I buy new shoes, I must to go to study. Today is the same day because I get up late. First, I intend to get up early but yesterday I went to bed lately. When I get up, I 'm very quickly to take a shower and get dress. Actually I have to buy a food for my mother before I study but my mother will eat old food in refrigerator and she say that I don't come late. It's very lucky; my teacher doesn't come, so I have a breakfast before I study a lesson.

After I finish the class, I meet my boyfriend at his home. First we will go to Fortune department. My boyfriend wants to buy a memory mobile. He tells me that there is a cheap memory. I tell him today the traffic is very jam, so I think I should go to Seri department store. It has much shop in there. It will expensive not much than Fortune.

We go to Seri, we walk on Computer zone. I think it will not have memory sales there. Suddenly we meet it. It costs 500 baht. I tell her to decrease a cost but she can't. My boyfriend buys it and we go to car park and then go to Secon Square.

Today I bring my comics that I ever read to sale. I get 360 Baht. It's very little. I ask my boyfriend to have a lunch but he's not hungry. Secon Square has an amazing pet exhibition. It has many dogs to sale. It's very cute. My home doesn't bring up a dog. It costs very expensive, I haven't enough money to buy it. Next I look many shoes shop but I don't like it. I feel very hungry, so I let him go to have a lunch at Black Canyon. The shoes bite me, so I ask my boyfriend to change shoes for me at the car. I take off my shoes and wait him. He brings a sandal for me. We walk around Secon for a while. I tell him that I want to buy a shoes, I want to look it again.

I look shoes until I think that it hasn't beautiful shoes. I will not buy it. Before I go out of the shop. I see shoes that I want since I'm at the university but that shop hasn't size for me. This shop has size. I'm very happy. I try it and it fits for me, then I buy it. I feel hurt my toe but the time is 4.00 P.M. I don't want to come back home, so I let him go to McDonald at Jusco. I hurt my leg, so my boyfriend drives a car for me.

We arrive to Jusco and sit for a while. My boyfriend and I feel hungry. We buy Frenfry and Coke for eat. We talk together for a moment. I look the watch, it's about 5.30 pm. It's very late, so we come back home. I come back home and feel very sleepy. I sleep for a while; my mother awakes me up to have a dinner. I watch TV. and then take a shower. I go to bed early because tomorrow I have an appointment with the dentist on 10.00 A.M.

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