Friday, September 7, 2007

Today I have a class on 08.00 AM. My mother drives a car to send me to ABAC. I come to the class late but the teacher doesn't check my attendant late. After the class finishes, I go to my boyfriend's home because I appoint him that after he finishes the class, we will go to cinema. I go to the university with him and study with him until 1.30 PM. We go to THE MALL very quickly. We buy the tickets. We see “THE GHOST HOUSE". It's a Thai movie and very horror movie. My boyfriend doesn't want to see this movie because he's very frightened. But I like the horror movie, so he has to watch it. The story is about the house that has much murder in there and the murderers are a doctor. They killed his wife. The actress is a reporter, so she wants to find the true about why they had to do that. The ghosts in the movie are very afraid. My boyfriend closes his eyes all of this story and I close my ears to decrease of shock.

The end of the movie is not well but I like it. The movie ends on 05.00 Pm. It's very late, so I have to come back home and wait for my mother to bring me up at JUSCO. Today my mother let me go to CENTRAL to buy a cosmetic but it seems raining, so we have to come back home.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Yes I sometimes cover my ears as well when I watch a scary movie...