Sunday, August 19, 2007

Today I get up early because I have to send a Diary to my teacher before 12.00 am. I don't do about 3 pages. So I am very quickly to do it. My mother calls to awake me because I tell her that I have homework to do, I may not get up, and so she will awake me. After that I have a lunch, my mother order me to take a shower and go to elect the constitution. That whether you receive the constitution. It's very interesting because this is the first time that I must to go to elect. In Thailand who is 18 years old, you have a right and duty to elect the senate or House of Representatives. My mother teaches me, how I must to do. We arrive to there about 13.00 pm. We do it very quickly. I don't receive the recent constitution because I think it isn't well for the people in Thailand. It's not useful for Thailand and I think this government cannot manage Thailand as well as the government before. The government has to set an elect quickly because now Thailand is in trouble. The economy is not good, many people will poor too much. There are many people doesn't have a job. So I want to see an elect. It can make Thailand as well as now. We come back home. I play a computer and watch TV until 06.00 pm. I have a dinner. Today I go to bed early.

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