Friday, August 17, 2007

I have a plan with my friend to go to Patunum Plattinum but she just know that she have a test on 03.00 pm. , so I must go to learn Criminal Law 2 .I get up late again. I arrive to university on 09.15 am. I am very hungry but it’s late now, so my friend calls to me to meet me at the front door of ABAC. We arrive to class on 9.30am. The teacher almost not check attendance for our but he tell that next week who come to the class over 9.30am., he will not check attendance. I'm very confuse that why the teacher come to the class early because the day, he comes to the class late too much. The class finishes on 09.45 am. We have a lunch together, after that I will bring my boyfriend from university, Book goes to Siam to meeting with her friend and Bo go to the hospital to visit her mother.

Today the traffic is very jam, I don't know what happen. I arrive to boyfriend’ university and wait him for a while. I call to him but he doesn't receive the phone. Then he walk down from the building, he say that his teacher is ill, so she teaches for a while and finishes the class early. We haven't enough money, so we come back to his home. We arrive to the home and watching TV for a while. He lets me go to The Mall department store to see a mobile phone because his father will buy a new mobile phone for him. We walk around for a while, I feel hungry. I let him go to have lunch at YAM-SAP. After that we feel tired. I send him to his home and I drive a car to come back home. I arrive to home on 6.30 pm.

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