Thursday, August 16, 2007

That is sleepy day again. I think I sleep at night late, so I feel sleepy everyday and lazy to go to study. I have a class on 08.00 am. It’s very morning again. I don't like this subject because since changing the teacher, I feel that the new teacher teaches me not understand. I'm sleeping in the class more than learning and talk to my friend very fun. My teacher doesn't ว่า anyone. This class finishes on 10.00 am. I still not have a breakfast, so I invite my friend to eat with me.
Today I must to wait for learn English 2 on 2.00 pm. Nothing to do, so Book and me decides to go to Nail Art. We arrive to THE MALL on 11.30 am. We choose the pattern for a long time, we choose a hard pattern, so it must to spend a long time to do.We walk out very quickly, and then I hear a sound of raining. We almost late on class but my teacher may not check our late because we don't know that whether he check attendant. The class is finishing. I meet my friend and I talk with her for a while, She tell me that I don't invite her to Nail Art with me but I confirm that I ask her already and she said to me that she doesn't go. So I tell her that Next I must to learn Law subject. Book tells me that she doesn’t want to learn and that is a good day because freshmen will go to cheer Volleyball at Bangna Campus, so the teacher will not check attendant. I agree with her and call to my mother to bring me at home on Jusco. I'm very happy to come home early.

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