Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monday, I had a class on 2.00pm. because I still not added Family Law subject. This subject was in the morning. This day was a adding day. I had to change section and adding. I brought the money for adding 7000 baht. I thought that when I change section, I had not to pay the money but someone who work in the adding room told me to pay the money and after that he will refund for me. The total cost was 8250 baht. It was very expensive and It was not necessary to pay when you want to change section.

It was nearly to learn English. I walked to S Building but it was raining, I couldn't walk so I had to wait for a while. When I walked to the room, the teacher came suddenly. He gave me the course outline and talked about what we wanted to learn and asked them about "the appeal" which the book that I learned and ordered our to do the homework. A homework was to do the all of question in the course outline that he gave for our.

After that I appointed my friend at The Mall Bang Krapi. We had a lunch in there because I still not had a breakfast and lunch. when we already finished to have lunch, I wanted to see shoes. I walked to Tawanna and found it which one that beautyful for me but It was not beautiful, so I still not bought it. The weather was not well, so I came back home early.

I remember that I didn't eat Swensens long times ago because my boyfriend didn't like it very much and I didn't want to eat alone and he had to look at me when I eat but On Wednesday or Thursday, I couldn't remember. I had a chance to eat Swensens. I didn't know why my boyfriend let me to eat Swensens. I was very happy very much because I was a person who like to eat ice-cream very much. We ordered eat together because he could eat a little. That day was a happiness day.

But on Wednesday after I finished from study, I had to lunch at Muangthong Pattanakarn with my boyfriend. I ordered the food and waiting for the food. Suddenly, I heard there was someone call my nickname. I looked it Oh!! It was my bestfriend. Her name was Nat. She didn't learn in ABAC. She studied in Bangkok University and I was not alway met her because my house was far from her house. We associated for 10 years ago since I studied in kindergarten with her. We studied in the same school since kindergarten to secondary school. We ever quarrelled about 2 times that I remembered. I could consulted her everything because she knew about me everything and understand me in everything. She parked the car and had a lunch with me. We talked together for a while and my friend had to came home early. We seperated to came home but I didn't want to came home. My boyfriend had to kept the rental because his family had a house for rent in PattanaKarn. We kept it already and came home.

On Friday night, I already had a dinner and I went up to do my homework. I did it for a while I felt stomachache very much. I felt hurt all of the stomach. My mother gave me a medicine for me. She thought that I was to be Gastritis absolutely because I got up late very much and I didn't have a breakfast. I couldn't sleep. Since I slept, It was 3.00 AM. I got up again on 05.00 AM. because I felt stomachache again. I couldn't study so I didn't go. I went to the hospital. The doctor told me I was to be a Gastritis. He gave me a medicine to eat. He said if I didn't feel good, I went to see him again but now I feel good.

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