Sunday, June 1, 2008

On Monday, My University opened but I didn't go because I was very lazy. I think the first day is nothing to learn. I got up and get dressed and met my friend at The Mall Bang Krapi. I wanted to buy a Uniform at Tawanna. The total was 450 baht. Until I was hungry, I let my friend went to have lunch at MK restaurant. We ordered many kind of food and vegetable. Until we cannot eat. It was still remain something

After that we saw many cosmetic. It was very expensive but I like lip gloss, I bought it. I had not to tell my mother, otherwise my mother had to complain me absolutely. We saw the clothes and everything. We tired very much. My friend and I went home. I came my home on 6.00 Am. I still not rest, my mother call me to help her to sold thing. My house just opened the shop 6 months ago. The first day that we opened, It had not the neighbour knew about my shop. My shop sold not good. Until 1 month later, There were many neighbour came to my shop. My mother don’t have people who helped her ,so if my class finished not late. I had to help my mother when I came home.

On Tuesday,I had a class on 09.30 Am. I had to study computer for law subject. The first day studied in this subject. It had homework to do. The class finished on 12.30 PM. Until I learn English subject, I had to wait for 2 hours. I came home and helped my mother. In the evening, my shop closed faster than other day because my mother let me and her cousin had a dinner. We had a dinner at Sompong restaurant. It has a famous in crab fried with curry. It was very delicious. I felt very full and gratified. It’s cost 2265 baht. It’s not expensive because we ordered many foods.

I don’t have a class on Wednesday because I still not moved Administrative law subject from Sunday to Wednesday because first time that I registered the schedule I had a class on Wednesday morning but no one learn with me , so I deleted this subject and move to Wednesday.

On Thursday I had a class until 7.00 PM. It’s very late. I studied Ethic subject, Teacher have a group discussion in the class. I had to learn English subject on 2.00 PM. It finished faster than another day. I had to wait for 2 hours. I was very lazy. I had met my boyfriend at his home and have a lunch with him because when I got up, I still not have a breakfast or lunch. I felt very hungry so much. I had a stomach ache. When the food in my stomach, I felt good enough. I played games with him for a while, I came home.

In my schedule I was very glad because I didn’t have a class on Friday. I can got up late. On Thursday I can played game at night. I got up at 1.00 PM. I took a shower and get dressed to help my mother. I helped her until evening. She permitted me to saw a television and play games but I could not play game late because I had a class in the morning, so I went to bed early.

I have a class on 8.00 AM. I got up late again but I took a shower and get dressed very quickly. It was lucky, the teacher didn’t complain me because there were someone came late than me. When the class finished I appointed my boyfriend at Secon Square. When we arrived there, it almost 2.00 PM. I have a lunch at Bar-B-Q Plaza. I ate very quickly because I was very hungry. I wanted to see a movie but there were not a movie interesting, so we didn’t see. We walked to see the Toy car, my boyfriend wanted to play again. I think he wanted to be a child again. He liked it very much, he bought it. I complained him that It was not good and waste his money but he told me it’s was happiness for him. It’s raining outside the department and we parked the car outside, so we waited for the rain stopped and came home.

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