Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My birthday

This semester I felt very lazy very much. I don’t want to learn anything and want to sleep on the bed every time. I don’t want to go outside because the weather’s very hot. In my bedroom, it’s cool than outside. It‘s too bad. On Monday, I had a class on 9.30 AM but I didn’t go because teacher didn’t check attendance and it’s a law subject, I think it was not necessary to learn. I can read it at my home. The law subject finished at 12.30 PM. I was lazy to wait until 2.00 PM, so I didn’t go and got up nearly 12.30 PM. Since I took a shower, get dressed and have a lunch, it’s time for went to university. My home was not far from University. About 15 minutes, I drove a car to University.

I learnt English subject, when I entered to the room. The teacher had a test. He didn’t told me, I afraid that I couldn’t do it and last night I didn’t charge my
talking-dict and teacher said everyone can use dictionary. What can I do? I did it although I didn’t have dictionary. I confused so much, I couldn’t translate the meaning. Almost time’s up I sent the paper. The test was very hard. I didn’t know, how many point I get from the test. After I finished from learning, I felt sleepy, so I came home early than everyday.

On Tuesday, I had a class in the morning but I was so sleepy and lazy. I didn’t want to get up early, so I slept until nearly at noon. I got up to learn English subject. After I learnt English subject, I appointed my boyfriend at The Mall Bangkrapi. My boyfriend let me buy a gift for my birthday. My birthday was on Friday. I wanted a new bag, so he bought it for me but he didn’t give it to me already. I had a lunch with him and came home.

On Wednesday, I had an appointment with dentist on 2.30 PM. I arrived to dental and waited for see the dentist. I finished it on 4.00 PM. and I had to go to The Mall for learn Chinese Language. I ever learn Chinese Language 3 years ago but at that time I had to entrance to University. I couldn’t learn in advance level, so I had to stop and now I restart. It’s harder than English language. The alphabet confused so much. I didn’t want to write but I wanted to speak with another people and could listen what they talk? I could remember some words, it had many word that important to use in routine. I learnt every Wednesday and Friday. I finished it almost 8.00 PM. Since I sent my boyfriend at home because he waited me until I finished, I came home 9.30 PM.

It was my birthday. I had party at my home but I had to learn Ethic class2.00 PM It was very bored. When I learn Ethic subject, I had to sleep every time. My friend called me to bring the cake at her aunt house. The traffic was very jam, so she will went to my home. The party was very fun. I talked too much with my friend like didn’t meet them for a long time. My mother bought a food for them to eat. We talked too much and ate until 4.00 PM. My friend had to go home, so they brought the cake, sang a birthday’s song and gave it to me to blow the candle. First, I gave it to my mother and gave to my friend. We ate it for a while then my friend had to go home, so I sent my friend at home. After I came back, I played computer, I felt stomach ache but I didn’t want to go to toilet. I took a shower and then sleeping. I got up in the morning, I felt stomach ache very much and had diarrhea. I had a diarrhea every time until I tried. I called my mother because I didn’t have a power to shout my mother downstairs. My mother brought me downstairs and rest for a while. I nauseated and then I vomited. My mother didn’t let me go to see the doctor because I had a medicine at my home and I had a headache, had a fever. I think my birthday was very bad very much.

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Rabbit

This week had one holiday, I felt happy very much because I had not to study. This day was Mother’s day. Mother’s day was an important day, every child had to appreciate on his/her mother. They had to give something to tell her that you love her

I think every mother felt happy and very impressive. For me, on Monday after I finished from study. I went to The Mall Bangkrapi and bought “Card “for her. When she slept at night, I wrote my feeling on the card and told her every thing about my feeling. When I finished from wrote I took a card in the bedroom and inserted a card under the pillow when my mother slept. In the morning I heard that she woke up. She took a shower and get dressed. I heard she opened the card and quiet for a while, then I slept-in. When I woke up, I saw a card. It was on the bed, I thought that why my mother put it on bed, why she not keep it???? I took a shower and went down. I told my mother that why she not keep my card. I was very angry. She told me that I put it under the pillow. She didn’t know whom I give it? I cried suddenly. I thought that my mother didn’t saw the value of my card. She walked and soothed me. She said that she loved me very much and only one but I had to be a good daughter too much and didn’t argue her too much. Then she blessing me to have a good thing in my life, succeed in everything.

Yesterday I let her to close the Minimart and had a dinner but my friend called me and told that every department store had many people let their mum to have dinner. My mother decided to cook herself. After that we watched TV together and went to bed.

In the morning, I had a class but this class was not necessary to learn because the teacher didn’t check attendant, so I had not go. Before I went outside everyday, I have my pet that I have to feed. It was a Rabbit. It was a male. His name was “Panda”. I bought it about 1 month. It’s very cute. It was a “Dutch Rabbit “. His fur was black and white. Panda was very naughty and liked to gnaw a wires and papers. He ran very fast and liked to eat everything. When he walked, I was funny very much. He was fat and his skin soft. He was hungry everytime. Before I went to go outside, I had to give a food with him. I had to feed him very well than my older rabbit. My older rabbit name was “Happy”. It was very cute same Panda. Happy was my first rabbit that I ever feed. I give a food for her. The food was morning glory. I didn’t know that rabbits couldn’t eat morning glory. One day, after I came back from university. I saw her that Happy had diarrhea. Her poop was liquid. I told my mother that tomorrow when I came back from study, I will let her go to see veterinarian. I came back and call her but it was quiet. When I switch on the light, I was very frightened. My rabbit died, I was sadness. It’s my fault. I might let her go to see veterinarian quickly. I decided, I will buy the rabbit to feed again but that day I bought Panda. I felt good and wanted so much. My boyfriend bought a rabbit for me.
I wanted to shower Panda very much. His fur was not clean but it was too young, I had to wait when he was 3 months. Someday if I woke up late very much my mother will give a food with it. My mother complained me everyday. She said that why I bought the rabbit? It was her duty to feed it. 55+

I thought that when it grew up than now. I will buy a new cage with him and buy a house for him, when I lazy to let him walk outside the cage but it was very expensive too much. I liked to run and catch him. Panda ran quickly and know that when I want to catch him. It was very cute rabbit, I love my pet very much

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My new hair

Last week, I had a mid-term Exam. I had only 3 subject to test. Everyone told me I was very comfort because they had many subjects to test. I had not to go to study 4 days until everyone finished from test. My university opened on Thursday, I had a class but I was very lazy, so I didn’t go. Everyday I went to bed very late. I played games and computer until 4.00 AM. It’s nearly morning. On Monday I had a class on 9.30 AM. I went to bed late and my friend called me in the morning that she didn’t go to learn in the morning but she will learn English subject in the evening.
I got up, took a shower, get dressed and have a lunch and breakfast because It almost afternoon. I got out and arrived to University. Parking a car and walked very quickly. 5 minutes to learn.

I finished English subject. Then I went to The Mall Bang ka pi. I appointed my boyfriend there. I felt hungry so much, so I had a lunch again. After that He wanted to play game. I waited him for a while until he finished. Then we went home.

When I drove a car, I looked someone who stood in the path form. She had short hair; I like her hair so much. I thought that I might cut my hair to change my looking because the trend of hair is short hair. I had a long hair about 3 years ago. I was bored. I asked my mom and all friends that I wanted to cut my hair. They said that it’s my hair, they cannot decide for me. I thought about 2 days. I regretted of my hair and if I cut my hair, I afraid that it will not beautiful but I thought with myself. If I thing too much, I will not cut my hair.

I decide to cut my hair. I felt very excited. A long hair was cut. I went to barbershop near my university. Before hairdresser cut my hair, she asked me “Are you ready?” I felt very excited truly. I said “OK!” She cut my hair slowly. About 3 minutes, my hair was clear away. I had got short hair already!! She coiffure for a while she blew-dry my hair. Finished!!!!

It looked very child 55+ I praised myself. My new look, I like my short hair. First, I let my friend to encourage me. I sent her at home and came home very quickly. I showed my new hair to my mother. She said she prefer long hair than short hair. She watched TV with me and told me to see actress who had a beautiful long hair. I was not interesting, I thought, I already cut my hair and don’t think too much. About 1 year my hair will long. If my hair was not long, I will add my hair because now it had many shop has a hair to add. The shop is for a person who has a short hair and wanted to have a long hair. They can do for you.

Many people told me it’s good for short hair changing look. I was very happy very much.Short hair was very easy to look after than long hair. When I washed my hair, I blew-dry very fast and very comfortable when I quickly.

It's nearly mother's day. I will not buy anything to my mother. I decided to buy a card and write my feeling in the card.I hope my mother will like my card. She told me everytime. She didn't want anything from me. I diligent and was to be a good daughter. That's enough for her.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

On Friday I didn't have a class, so I helped my mother to sale things at my shop. In the evening, I see 1 Miss call on my mobile phone. It was my friend' number, so I call her back. I got sad news. She told me that we had to go to Funeral on Saturday. Someone in the class, his mother died. I was very shocked very much because I just talk with him about two weeks ago. His name is Da. He lived with his mother and sister. His father and mother divorced. His mother died from fell in the bathroom and nobody lived home. My friend just came home, so he saw his mother. He sent his mother in the hospital but the doctor couldn't save her. I listen that I felt pity very much. His mother was the main person in his house. If he didn’t have her, he felt sad and lonely very much and he had to take care her sister. I thought that I will give my money to help him because he had to use money to learn and use in his family. I appoint my friend at 6 o'clock PM. in the evening.

Saturday, I had a class in the morning. I set an alarm clock on 8.30 AM. In the morning. When the time 8.30 AM. the clock didn't alarm. I got up on 11.00 AM. It was very late, so I didn't go to learn. I appointed my boyfriend to see a movie but I came to The Mall late, so he didn't want to see. We had lunch and walk to see everything. Until 05.00 PM. I came out from The Mall and arrived to Temple about 6 o'clock PM . The traffic was very jam.

The Funeral was finished around 8.00 PM. We were also hungry. Then we decided to have a dinner at Spring&Summer restaurant at Thong Lo. The atmosphere was very well. There were many expensive cars to have a dinner at this place. I came in to the restaurant. The waiter took me a Menu to see what you want to eat. OH! My GOD !!!!!!!! , I saw a cost of the food. It was a Thai food and everything was 200 up. Wowwww !!!! I never think that It was so expensive than I see. I looked around the restaurant, It had many people had a lot of money to eat. The service was very good. The waiter took care very well but The food that I ordered, he cooked slowly. Smelling in Restroom was very bad. We already finished and checked bill. The total cost was "906 baht. I saw a bill, I was very shocked because we ordered the food 3 main foods and water. It will not expensive just like this. We quickly to get out from this restaurant and will not go there forever. It was very bad food that I ever ate before. It was very expensive and not delicious. I sent my boyfriend at his home and my friend. Since I arrived home about 11.00 PM.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The weather is very hot for today. I'm boring so much. Nothing to do. I got up everyday 55+ because I watched the Europe Football between Russia Vs Holland. I didn't cheer any team. The result was Russia win Holland. It was very impossible because Holland never lost any team and Holland do it well. Since the football match ended. The time was 4 o'clock. Today, my boyfriend come at my house.Before he comes he will call me that he almost arrives to my house. He calls me to wake me up that he already arrives to my home. I get up and take a shower. He comes to help me sell the thing. That I told, the weather was hot and no one didn't come to buy anything.

He helps me until about 5 o'clock in the evening. He has to go home and my mother cannot help me because she appoints someone who wants to look at my hometown. Before I lived in the house. I had a hometown at on nut 16. I moved from on nut 16 to this house about 4 years but I didn't sell that house. My mother made it to someone who wanted to rent. It had foreigner who rent my house but after they gone, he made my house so dirty and neatly so my mother bored and wanted to sell those house. There were many people wanted to look that house for decide to buy or not?

My house at on nut 16, it was very comfortable. It was very near BTS On nut station. Around that area, it had Carrefour and Lotus and near another department, so I think it will be someone like my house. Since my mother came home, my shop already closes. Today I will not see Football match because tomorrow I have a class on 9.30 AM. It’s very early for me, I get up late everyday. On Saturday, when I finished the class, I sent the car to fix at garage. About 5 hours, the car was finished.

At that time, I went to Second, walk and have a lunch to wait the car fixed. I came out from Secon, received the car and came home.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I went to Central Ladprao On Wednesday. A Fact, I had a class in the morning but I got up late too much, so I didn’t go to University. I appointed my boyfriend at his home. I awoke him and waited him for took a shower and get dressed. We went out home and arrived to Central in the afternoon. I told him that I will buy a panda doll for him because I had a gift voucher about 500 baht and he liked this doll since he saw it at The Mall Bang Krapi but Central didn’t have it, so I told him choosing other else but he didn’t like. We saw the toys for a while, we were hungry.

We didn’t know what we want to have lunch. At last, we decided to have lunch at MK Restaurant. This time, we ordered the food less than last time because we cannot eat away. We’re already full. He told me he wanted to play games. We walked down to underground floor. He played games “TEKKEN 6”. It was about “Fighting”. Choosing the character and fighting to other people. I waited him for a while, I glanced at the cosmetic shop that shop sold the cosmetic every brand and cheaper than counter every brand in the Plaza. I bought, I didn’t know what does it call in English. When you want to change your hair colour, you had to buy it to do.

It cost 340 baht. I can do it myself at my home. It had many things that I like it very much but I didn’t have enough money to buy it. He finished from play the games. I watch the time. It’s 4.30 PM. I afraid that the traffic was jam because Ladprao was a famous place that the traffic was very jam. I sent my boyfriend to his home and came home on 7.00 PM. In the evening, my cousins came to my home and had a lunch at my house my mother had to send them at their home. My mother had to backward from the alley but she didn’t see that had a car parked, so the car was crashed. The tail light broke. I was very shy when I drove a car outside

Thursday, I had class on 12.30 PM. but I got up late because I saw the football match. It was between Czech Republic- Portugal and Switzerland-Turkey. The result was Portugal and Turkey won. A fact, I didn’t cheer Portugal or Turkey but I cheered German. I like football player. I think they were handsome than another football player team. I didn’t go to learn. I think this semester, I was very lazy very much. Most of time, I didn’t go to University. I got up late, I was lazy or another else. Some class I didn’t go to learn until I almost cannot test the final in this term. I had to prepare yourself and don’t went to bed late. If I done it, I will not absent all the class.

On Saturday, I learn law subject since 08.30 AM. -12.30 PM. I decided to go to Secon Square but my boyfriend let me go to visit his friend at the hospital. The hospital name is “Police hospital”. It was near Siam Square but it’s opposite Central World. We went by Sky train and went down at Chidlom station and walked a little to hospital. I asked the receptionist to find the room that he rest. He rest in 10th Floor and the room was 1021. My friend was operated chin. He could not talk any more but his mother told me that his chin had neoplasm but it wasn’t dangerous. It made his chin awry. His face and mouth inflamed and bloated. We visited him for a while, we was quick to go back to Lotus Onnut because it could park a car for 3 hours, after that Lotus will keep 50 baht per hours. We arrived to Lotus Onnut late 5 minutes. I prepared the money to give for him but ticket park man didn’t keep my money. I sent my boyfriend at Jusco and he will catch the bus to his home. I came home.

My faculty had a Camping at Nakornnayok. I couldn’t go there because no one helped my mother at the Mini mart and I was lazy. I helped my mother sold the thing until in the evening. My friend called me and asked me about Ethic Subject. She told me that had an Ethic class on 14.00 pm. I didn’t know it. Before I had an Ethic class. The University will stick the paper that told the room I had to learn in the board but until on Thursday nothing in the board. ABAC web didn’t update nothing, so I missed the class. I didn’t know when it had a class at Huamark Campus because ABAC opened the section in Huamark less than Bangna Campus. If I couldn’t make up class in this semester. I will not graduate in 4 years because the teacher in Ethic subject told our when we learn Ethic.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Monday, I had a class on 2.00pm. because I still not added Family Law subject. This subject was in the morning. This day was a adding day. I had to change section and adding. I brought the money for adding 7000 baht. I thought that when I change section, I had not to pay the money but someone who work in the adding room told me to pay the money and after that he will refund for me. The total cost was 8250 baht. It was very expensive and It was not necessary to pay when you want to change section.

It was nearly to learn English. I walked to S Building but it was raining, I couldn't walk so I had to wait for a while. When I walked to the room, the teacher came suddenly. He gave me the course outline and talked about what we wanted to learn and asked them about "the appeal" which the book that I learned and ordered our to do the homework. A homework was to do the all of question in the course outline that he gave for our.

After that I appointed my friend at The Mall Bang Krapi. We had a lunch in there because I still not had a breakfast and lunch. when we already finished to have lunch, I wanted to see shoes. I walked to Tawanna and found it which one that beautyful for me but It was not beautiful, so I still not bought it. The weather was not well, so I came back home early.

I remember that I didn't eat Swensens long times ago because my boyfriend didn't like it very much and I didn't want to eat alone and he had to look at me when I eat but On Wednesday or Thursday, I couldn't remember. I had a chance to eat Swensens. I didn't know why my boyfriend let me to eat Swensens. I was very happy very much because I was a person who like to eat ice-cream very much. We ordered eat together because he could eat a little. That day was a happiness day.

But on Wednesday after I finished from study, I had to lunch at Muangthong Pattanakarn with my boyfriend. I ordered the food and waiting for the food. Suddenly, I heard there was someone call my nickname. I looked it Oh!! It was my bestfriend. Her name was Nat. She didn't learn in ABAC. She studied in Bangkok University and I was not alway met her because my house was far from her house. We associated for 10 years ago since I studied in kindergarten with her. We studied in the same school since kindergarten to secondary school. We ever quarrelled about 2 times that I remembered. I could consulted her everything because she knew about me everything and understand me in everything. She parked the car and had a lunch with me. We talked together for a while and my friend had to came home early. We seperated to came home but I didn't want to came home. My boyfriend had to kept the rental because his family had a house for rent in PattanaKarn. We kept it already and came home.

On Friday night, I already had a dinner and I went up to do my homework. I did it for a while I felt stomachache very much. I felt hurt all of the stomach. My mother gave me a medicine for me. She thought that I was to be Gastritis absolutely because I got up late very much and I didn't have a breakfast. I couldn't sleep. Since I slept, It was 3.00 AM. I got up again on 05.00 AM. because I felt stomachache again. I couldn't study so I didn't go. I went to the hospital. The doctor told me I was to be a Gastritis. He gave me a medicine to eat. He said if I didn't feel good, I went to see him again but now I feel good.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

On Monday, My University opened but I didn't go because I was very lazy. I think the first day is nothing to learn. I got up and get dressed and met my friend at The Mall Bang Krapi. I wanted to buy a Uniform at Tawanna. The total was 450 baht. Until I was hungry, I let my friend went to have lunch at MK restaurant. We ordered many kind of food and vegetable. Until we cannot eat. It was still remain something

After that we saw many cosmetic. It was very expensive but I like lip gloss, I bought it. I had not to tell my mother, otherwise my mother had to complain me absolutely. We saw the clothes and everything. We tired very much. My friend and I went home. I came my home on 6.00 Am. I still not rest, my mother call me to help her to sold thing. My house just opened the shop 6 months ago. The first day that we opened, It had not the neighbour knew about my shop. My shop sold not good. Until 1 month later, There were many neighbour came to my shop. My mother don’t have people who helped her ,so if my class finished not late. I had to help my mother when I came home.

On Tuesday,I had a class on 09.30 Am. I had to study computer for law subject. The first day studied in this subject. It had homework to do. The class finished on 12.30 PM. Until I learn English subject, I had to wait for 2 hours. I came home and helped my mother. In the evening, my shop closed faster than other day because my mother let me and her cousin had a dinner. We had a dinner at Sompong restaurant. It has a famous in crab fried with curry. It was very delicious. I felt very full and gratified. It’s cost 2265 baht. It’s not expensive because we ordered many foods.

I don’t have a class on Wednesday because I still not moved Administrative law subject from Sunday to Wednesday because first time that I registered the schedule I had a class on Wednesday morning but no one learn with me , so I deleted this subject and move to Wednesday.

On Thursday I had a class until 7.00 PM. It’s very late. I studied Ethic subject, Teacher have a group discussion in the class. I had to learn English subject on 2.00 PM. It finished faster than another day. I had to wait for 2 hours. I was very lazy. I had met my boyfriend at his home and have a lunch with him because when I got up, I still not have a breakfast or lunch. I felt very hungry so much. I had a stomach ache. When the food in my stomach, I felt good enough. I played games with him for a while, I came home.

In my schedule I was very glad because I didn’t have a class on Friday. I can got up late. On Thursday I can played game at night. I got up at 1.00 PM. I took a shower and get dressed to help my mother. I helped her until evening. She permitted me to saw a television and play games but I could not play game late because I had a class in the morning, so I went to bed early.

I have a class on 8.00 AM. I got up late again but I took a shower and get dressed very quickly. It was lucky, the teacher didn’t complain me because there were someone came late than me. When the class finished I appointed my boyfriend at Secon Square. When we arrived there, it almost 2.00 PM. I have a lunch at Bar-B-Q Plaza. I ate very quickly because I was very hungry. I wanted to see a movie but there were not a movie interesting, so we didn’t see. We walked to see the Toy car, my boyfriend wanted to play again. I think he wanted to be a child again. He liked it very much, he bought it. I complained him that It was not good and waste his money but he told me it’s was happiness for him. It’s raining outside the department and we parked the car outside, so we waited for the rain stopped and came home.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Today I get up late very much because of yesterday I went into the cinema and the cinema was dark. I walk not carefully, I didn't see one of ladder and it's very small ladder. I wore a high-heeled shoe, so I fell down on the floor. At that time I felt very shy. It was good that the cinema was dark. Nobody could saw me and I didn't turn back to see who saw me fell down. First my legs are not hurt but my knee scratched. I hurt my knee but I can walk until I came back home. I felt hurt my leg very much. It cannot make me comfort to walk well. Until I have a shower and get dress. It's nearly 10.00 AM. I arrive to ABAC and walk very quickly although I have a leg ache. After I finish the class, I have a lunch with my friends and get on the TAXI to meet my boyfriend at his university.

I wait him to study about an hour. He has a lunch and goes to Siam very quickly because it's late so much. Today the weather is very hot. My mother has to use the car, so I don't have a car to use. I catch the bus to go to SIAM with my boyfriend. We arrive to SIAM on 03.00 PM. My boyfriend brings the mobile phone to fix up. First, I want to eat ice-cream but it 's late now, so we will come back home. We have to catch the bus but the traffic is very jam, so I let him go to sky train because it's quick. We arrive to Onnut Station on 5.00 PM. Then we catch the bus to go home. I come home on 6.00 PM.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Today I have a class on 08.00 AM. My mother drives a car to send me to ABAC. I come to the class late but the teacher doesn't check my attendant late. After the class finishes, I go to my boyfriend's home because I appoint him that after he finishes the class, we will go to cinema. I go to the university with him and study with him until 1.30 PM. We go to THE MALL very quickly. We buy the tickets. We see “THE GHOST HOUSE". It's a Thai movie and very horror movie. My boyfriend doesn't want to see this movie because he's very frightened. But I like the horror movie, so he has to watch it. The story is about the house that has much murder in there and the murderers are a doctor. They killed his wife. The actress is a reporter, so she wants to find the true about why they had to do that. The ghosts in the movie are very afraid. My boyfriend closes his eyes all of this story and I close my ears to decrease of shock.

The end of the movie is not well but I like it. The movie ends on 05.00 Pm. It's very late, so I have to come back home and wait for my mother to bring me up at JUSCO. Today my mother let me go to CENTRAL to buy a cosmetic but it seems raining, so we have to come back home.